How Can You Become a Great Presenter Like Steve Jobs? | Ep #73

By Jason Swenk on August 6, 2015

How to Become the Best Presenter

Great presenterToday I was thinking about how to sell ideas effectively. A person can have the best idea in the world, but if that person cannot convince enough people, it doesn’t matter. But what if they could be the best presenter of their ideas?

One of the best presenters was Steve Jobs. What made him the best was he started with the BIG PICTURE rather than the details.

When the iPhone came out, he started with the following: “Apple reinvents the phone.” He could have started with: “We have developed the first smartphone by Apple that is easy to use, an iPod and a phone. The big pictures get us drawn in and interested to here more. People crave meaning before details.

In every presentation Steve did, he was able to inform, educate and entertain us. He knew the problems he wanted to solve and the benefits of the solutions he provided. Most importantly he connected with his customers by explaining to them why they should care.

One of the other great things he did was bring numbers to life. When Apple launched the iPod, Steve Jobs could have focused on the 5GB hard drive, but he came out saying that you could store 1,000 songs in your pocket.

He also used great imagery. When the Macbook Air came out, he could have said that the Macbook Air was fast, easy to use, small, and cover all the hardware specs, but Steve Jobs said this is “the world’s thinnest laptop” and showed an image of the laptop that was smaller than an envelope.

Steve Jobs sold dreams, not products. He believed that he was selling a solution that allowed everyone to be creative and explore. He just happened to be selling computers. He knew his customers didn’t care about his company, but they cared about themselves. That is why he focused on the big picture, informing, educating, entertaining, bringing numbers to life and great imagery.

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Become a Great in Your Agency

Becoming the best presenter could open you up to opportunities in giving talks and presentations which could leads to bringing in new clients. This could bring your digital agency to the next level in growth and authority.

By looking at the bigger picture of your agency, you can focus on areas you haven’t explored yet as well as struggles you need to focus on to improve your business and then check out how I have all you need to get through these obstacles.

I have a bank of advice to share with you from my own experiences. This can be how to increase conversions on your website, ways to implement Facebook in your marketing strategy, why building authority to improve your agency is important and the best way to pitch to big brand clients.

If growth is your focus, I’ve discussed the different phases of growth within your agency and the three questions you need to ask yourself to sell your services to more customers.

You can learn more about my career and experiences as well as lots of tips, tricks and insights by reading my blogs that cover a wide variety of topics.

Check out more from my Ask Swenk series and more of my videos on my YouTube channel. There you will find advice from myself and other agency experts.

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