Referrals, Employees Freelancing & Video Marketing… #AskSwenk 45

By Jason Swenk on August 30, 2016

Discover a great strategy for getting referrals, settle the debate about letting employees freelance and get some great tips on video marketing.

Referrals, Employees Freelancing & Video Marketing

{1:42} Ramzi asked: “I was wondering if you have any great strategies to get referrals from current clients?”

{4:15} Myles asked: “Should I let my full-time staff freelance in their own time? If so, what measures do I need to put in place to protect myself and my business?”

{7:02} Blake asked: “I am a big fan of your content. I own a 6 man agency and we’re going through that process right now. We’re trying to build our following with video marketing but it’s just tough getting started! Any advice you could share would be appreciated.”


Building Your Best Agency

With this advice, you should now be able to strengthen your marketing by implementing video content marketing into your strategy, use client referrals to build your agency reputation and have a better grasp of freelancing within your team. However, if there are other struggles you are experiencing in your agency, I can help you get through all of it.

I can give you advice on how to increase conversions on your website, how to snap up client opportunities as well as ways to build authority to improve your agency.

If growth is your focus, I’ve the different phases of growth within your agency and the three questions you need to ask yourself to sell more of your digital agency services.

Learn more about my career and experiences as well as lots of tips, tricks and insights by reading my blogs that cover a wide variety of topics.

Check out more from my Ask Swenk series and more of my videos on my Youtube channel. There you will find advice from myself and other agency experts.

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