Focus on Core Offering to Propel Agency Growth with Simms Jenkins | Ep #1

By Jason Swenk on April 27, 2014

Are you experiencing with growing business goals for your digital agency?

In this episode we cover:

  • What steps he took to propel his agency into one of the leading email-focused digital agencies in North America.
  • Simms will share with us his experiences with what happens when your company begins to transition into that next level.
  • Cover everything from hiring and growth management to letting go of what your role once was so you can embrace what it must become.


Getting Into Email Marketing

Sure, email marketing is popular now but how in the world did Simms get into it over a decade ago? He certainly found himself one heck of a niche. “We knew email would be important, but there wasn’t any help with content. Pressing send is the easy part.”

One of the keys to success was building thought leadership through creating great content.

Changing Phases

For BrightWave (well, every company really), it’s all about hiring the right people at the right time. Once you’ve found your business niche, you need to have passionate individuals with you in the beginning to help you get started. But where do you find them?

Many of the people who started with Simms at BrightWave came from his personal or professional networks. Some even approached him, asking to be involved because they heard about what he was doing through conferences he where he had spoken, articles he had written, and other thought leadership forums. Simms calls this “blood, sweat, and tears” equity. Clearly, if you build it they will come.

[clickToTweet tweet=”By hiring the right people with the right vision the company starts building itself from within.” quote=”By hiring the right people with the right vision the company starts building itself from within.”]

And while no successful company could be where it was without those who were there in the beginning, making the transition from small, single entrepreneur or startup to bonafide digital agency can be tough. As his company began to grow, Simms realized he needed to look for people who understood growth and had agency experience. He admits growing business mistakes were made – occasionally people where hired too quickly to fill a business need and not because they were the right person for the job.

What does Simms think about how growth impacted the way they do business? “You don’t want to be caught looking in the rearview mirror,” he says, and be sure you are “laser-focusing on what you want to be.”

About that laser focus…

Simms says to resist the temptation to get away from what you do best.

“We’re here to do something special. We don’t want to be just another digital agency. We want to do one thing and be world class at it.”

He wants his team’s first thought to be: ‘what will make our clients successful?’ It’s this mentality that has given his company the reputation that it has today. How can you build the same reputation? Simms recommends putting out valuable content and establishing yourself as a market leader, “Blogs and social media have changed things so much. It’s easier than ever to get yourself out there.”

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Overcoming Challenges When Growing Business

There will always be times that you may face growing business struggles but what’s important is knowing how to handle them when they appear in the best way possible.

Is this something you would need help with? I have more than likely experienced all if not most of the different struggles you have and can help you with what I have learned. From bad agency clientsdeveloping agency products as well as how you can build authority for your agency.

If you want to grow your agency even further, I have agency growth hacks, the best ways to improve management of your business as well as why building a remote team can be beneficial in the long run.

As well as this, you can learn more about my career as well as tips, tricks and insights by checking out my blogs that cover a wide variety of topics.

I also hear the experience and advice from other successful agency experts in my Ask Swenk series and more of my videos on my Youtube channel.

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