By Jason Swenk on February 24, 2016

Do you want to know the best way to increase website traffic for your business or digital agency?

In this episode, we’ll cover:

  • A strategy that is helping some sites increase website traffic by 100%.
  • How to give your content a makeover.
  • 4 categories to define your content for a makeover.

A great question came in from Brian, who asks: “I’ve got a ton of generic content on my site, but it’s not driving traffic. How can I increase my website traffic?” 

The answer is to DELETE SOME CONTENT.

Wait. What?!? You’re telling me to delete content?

Yes. I’m telling you to delete content. We all have amazing content but sometimes it isn’t necessarily as organized or relevant as it could be…

But, Jason, why would I delete content that is ranking in search engines?

Listen, I know you work hard to develop content but over time it becomes outdated or irrelevant. Not only is that a turnoff to your site visitors but Google could be dinging you for it, too. You only really want the highly valuable content that establishes credibility with your ideal client.

I just deleted 30% of my content to get a 100% increase website traffic.

Think about it. If you’ve honed in on a niche or redefined who your ideal client is, then you’ve probably got some irrelevant content. If you’ve got posts about technology that has changed, job postings that have been filled, or posts about tools or software that has evolved over time, then it’s time to clean house.

And yes, it’s possible for this to increase your traffic by 100%. Moz, Hubspot and some of the other big guys are doing it and their traffic has increased significantly.

I suggest identifying each piece of content into 1 of these 4 categories:

  1. Content to keep. You obviously want to keep everything that is timeless and relevant.
  2. Content to delete. Old, irrelevant or boring posts have to go.
  3. Content to refresh. Some posts just need new life breathed into them. More on that below.
  4. Content to consolidate. When you’ve got multiple posts on the same topic, consolidate them into one epic post. (Psst, don’t forget to do a 301 redirect to the new post.)

If you would like to download the exact worksheet we used to do our content makeover, Click here…

It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality.

You want people to see your best stuff. So, rewrite post titles to rank better, review your call-to-actions, check embedded links, click-to-tweets, and reformat if needed.

Think of it this way:  You spend time to clean out closets, junk drawers, attics and basements. Sometimes websites need the same TLC. Set aside the time to do this and watch the results in your traffic.

If you enjoyed this simple lead generation tip, check out this new video workshop I put together that shows you the 5 elements you need in order to build a lead generation system for your agency.

Over the past twelve months, I have shown my clients a way to generate 25+ leads a day, and convert 20% of the leads to opportunities/revenue. If you STRUGGLE to GET LEADS or find you RELY on REFERRALS you need to check this out.

Growing Your Agency Brand

I hope you found today’s episode helpful and if but are searching for more advice especially looking to get your business or agency to the next level in growth, look no further.

You can find lots of tips, tricks and insights by checking out these other AskSwenk episodes and helpful blogs that cover a wide variety of topics or if videos are more your thing, visit my videos on my Youtube channel!


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