First Client: Initial Contact to Paid Consult & Charging to Restart a Project #AskSwenk EP39
How Do You Land Your First Client as an Agency?
In this episode of #AskSwenk, we chat about landing your first client as a creative agency, how you go from initial contact to a paid consult, and if you should charge to restart a project when a client goes silent for 6 months?
{0:36} Thuba asked: “How would you go about landing your first clients as a new creative agency? I have seen a lot of your resources on how to pitch to clients who have approached you, but how do you go about those you have identified as your potential clients (i.e. target market/niche)?”
{3:42} Monica asked: “How do you go from email inquiry or phone consult to proposal? This might seem basic, but I’m not sure what I should be achieving or offering in the initial inquiry to then get to the setup of offering the roadmap. You mention spending time with the client but what if this is of no interest to them?”
{7:14} Shawn asked: “What do you do with a client that has suddenly gone silent for 3 months, even 6 months? They want you to start back up with no new payment to pay for resources and disrupt current pipeline. Thoughts? ”
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