What Are the Major Things to Include in a Proposal?

By Jason Swenk on August 20, 2013

What Are the Major Things to Include in a Proposal?

Do you want to win more clients but find you struggle when creating your proposals? When developing a proposal, you need to present it in a logical progression to tell the best story. You need to communicate to the reviewer that you have listened and have a solution for their problem.

Elements you need in a proposal:

  • What is the problem?
  • Objective of the proposed outcome.
  • Why is it important to accomplish these objectives and what is the impact?
  • How will each objective be accomplished? What activities will take place and when?
  • What costs will be involved in the activities?
  • Who are you and what personnel will be on the project?

What other elements do you feel need to be in a proposal?  Find out how my agency closed 80% of their proposals.

What Else Do You Need Support With?

So we’ve covered on how you can create the best proposal for your agency but what other struggles are you facing within your digital agency?

I have advice whether you are starting off in your agency’s life or if you are experienced and want to grow even further. I have covered topics from the struggles you may face with failing economies to leveraging Youtube in your marketing for your agency marketing strategy.

You can learn more about me and check out all my tips, tricks and everything you need to know in my blogs. I have covered a wide variety of topics as well as answering your questions in more from my Ask Swenk series.

If videos are videos more your thing, don’t worry, i’ve got you covered!

You can check out my Ask Swenk series and more of my videos on my Youtube channel for advice from myself and other agency experts.

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